Cancellation & Refund

Cancellation and Refund Policy for Shri Tanot Mata Mandir Trust

At Shri Tanot Mata Mandir Trust, we are committed to providing the best possible experience to our visitors. However, we understand that circumstances can arise that may require you to cancel your booking for the Dharamshala or the online border pass.

Please note that there is no refund or return of payment policy that exists if someone wants to cancel their booking.

  1. Visitors are required to pay a minimum token amount to book their visit to the Dharamshala or for the border pass.
  2. The token amount paid by the visitor will not be refunded in any case.
  3. The trust recommends that visitors make their bookings after careful consideration and planning to avoid cancellation or refunds.
  4. The trust may consider rescheduling bookings in exceptional circumstances and subject to availability, but it is not guaranteed.
  5. The trust may cancel a booking at any time due to unforeseen circumstances or emergency situations, in which case the visitor will not be refunded. The trust’s decision in such cases is final and non-negotiable as per our internal policy.

We request visitors to book their visit by paying a minimum token amount for the Dharamshala or the online border pass after careful consideration and planning to avoid any inconvenience.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our cancellation and refund policy, please contact us.